Even the seemingly smallest decisions we personally make to live with integrity ripple out impacting our sphere of influence – especially our immediate family.
Having the courage to make difficult changes in our own lives can reap fruits we could never have imagined.
The “ripple effect” of our choice to change behavior pattern that do not build us into our best selves can, over time, also encourage our daughters and sons to make necessary changes in their own lives.
Sometimes just our lived example to “do the next right thing” can have tremendous impact in the lives of our children.
A Deeper Look
What changes can I make to better my own peace of mind and happiness?
How will even small positive adjustments in my own life influence my family?
How does living “a day at a time” simplify my own life?
Is there one change I can commit to today?
Contact Nancy
For information and guidance for help and resources for you or your loved one please email:
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